Honorary President:
Susan Landale, Mus.B., Hon. F.R.C.O., Hon. A.R.A.M., L.R.A.M., L.T.C.L.
Honorary Vice-Presidents:
Rev Thomas Cuthell, M.A., B.D.
Jos van der Kooy (Cantor and organist at Remonstrantse Arminiuskerk in Rotterdam)
Michael Reckling (S.I. Catedral de Valladolid, Valladolid, Spain)
The Episcopal Bishop of Edinburgh
The Moderator of the Presbytery of Edinburgh and West Lothian
The Archbishop of St Andrews and Edinburgh
Very Rev Dr Graham Forbes, C.B.E. (Former Provost of St Mary's Episcopal Cathedral)
Council Members 2024 - 25
Dr Martyn Strachan
Past President:
Michael Harris
Sandy Chenery
Honorary Secretary:
Russell Duncan
Membership Secretary:
Calum Cooper (co-opted)
Honorary Treasurer:
Caroline Cradock
Editor of Console:
John Riley
David Turner
Ordinary Members of Council (with year of retiral):
Imogen Morgan (2025)
Morley Whitehead (2025)
Chris Johnson (2026)
Justin Nash (2026)
John Kitchen (2027)